These two songs, recorded a little over 51 years ago, were taped at the home of Eve and Mac McKenzie. Dylan met the McKenzies at Gerde’s Folk City in early 1961, according to Isis Magazine. He was “introduced to Mac McKenzie by Woody Guthrie’s wife Marjorie. ”
Folk enthusiasts, the McKenzies had an apartment north of the Village where some of the young would-be folk musicians often met up. Dylan became a regular visitor and soon a houseguest too, sleeping on the couch in the family’s living room. The middle-aged couple, generous down-to-earth folks, were among the first to adopt Dylan. Mac was a hard working, hard-drinking longshoreman, Eve, an ex-Martha Graham dancer, described Dylan as looking like a character out of Dickens, with long coat and cap.
Dylan recorded many songs at the apartment.
Below are two songs Dylan recorded at the Mckenzie’s apartment on April 12, 1963 (according to bobdylan.com).
The first song, “I Rode Out One Morning,” is an obscure one that Dylan only performed once, and you’re about to listen to that the one tine he played it.
“I Rode Out One Morning”:
“House of the Rising Sun”:
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