Watch: Bob Dylan’s ‘Eat The Document’

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“Eat The Document” is the color documentary Bob Dylan hired D.A. Pennebaker (who also made the black and white Dylan documentary “Don’t Look Back”) to shoot of the artist’s 1966 tour of the United Kingdom.

Dylan was backed by The Hawks, who in a few years would rename themselves The Band. This arty film includes a bit with a very stoned Dylan and not-quite-so-stoned John Lennon joking in the back seat of a car.

Of more lasting interest are Dylan and Robbie Robertson in a hotel room developing a beautiful song, never released, “I Can’t Leave Her Behind,” which Stephen Malkmus covered for the “I’m Not There” soundtrack. There’s also a cool scene of Dylan and Johnny Cash dueting on “I Still Miss Someone.” And great live footage of Dylan and The Hawks.

About Michael Goldberg

Michael Goldberg is a distinguished pioneer in the online music space; Newsweek magazine called him an ‘Internet visionary.’ In 1994 he founded Addicted To Noise (ATN), the highly influential music web site. He was a senior vice-president and editor in chief at SonicNet from March 1997 through May 2000. In 1997, Addicted To Noise won Webby awards for best music site in 1998 and 1999, and also won Yahoo Internet Life! awards for three years running as best music site in 1998, 1999 and 2000. Prior to starting Addicted To Noise, Goldberg was an editor and senior writer at Rolling Stone magazine for 10 years. His writing has also appeared in Wired, Esquire, Vibe, Details, Downbeat, NME and numerous other publications. Michael has had three novels published that comprise the "Freak Scene Dream trilogy": "True Love Scars," "The Flowers Lied" and "Untitled" which can be ordered here. His new book, "Wicked Game: The True Story of Guitarist James Calvin Wilsey," can be pre-ordered from HoZac Books. In November Backbeat Books will publish "Addicted To Noise: The Music Writings of Michael Goldberg," which can be be pre-ordered here.

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