Audio: Australian DJ Brian Wise Interviews Michael Goldberg About Rock ‘n’ Roll Novel, True Love Scars – Part Two

I was recently interviewed by DJ Brian Wise for his excellent Australian radio show, “Off the Record” on Triple R.

We talked about Bob Dylan, and we talked about my new rock ‘n’ roll novel. True Love Scars, and we talked about how Bob Dylan figures in the novel.

Last week, Brian aired a 15 minute segment that included me reading from the novel. You can listen to that one here.

This week during a ten minute segment finds we reading two more sections from the novel, and talking about the book.

There will be three for segments, one a week, for the next three weeks. As they air I’ll post about them.

To listen to the second interview segment, click here.

And the other day this wonderful five-star review of True Love Scars with the headline “Get It!” was posted at Amazon by Barbara Shelley:

‘First times’ are the most memorable. Michael Goldberg’s new book takes the reader on a wild, crazy and love-filled trip through high school and college ‘first times.’ Rock ‘n’ roll runs through his blood while he tells his story of lust, love, drugs and the dreaded parents. But this isn’t just any sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll story. It’s written in first person almost as if Goldberg is in the room telling the story that moved me to out loud laughing and memories that moved my soul. If Bob Dylan, Marianne Faithful, The Rolling Stones, Iggy Pop, Captain Beefheart, or the New York Dolls mean anything to you, you will love this book. I couldn’t put it down for a minute and rammed my way through the best book I’ve read in years. Not since “Nightwood” by Djauna Barnes and that was in l969. Get it.

[I just published my rock ‘n’ roll novel, True Love Scars.” I’ve got a Goodreads. book giveaway going right now. Click here and enter.]

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