Tag Archives: vandal

Banksy Update: NYC Mayor Attacks Street Artist

day 17 -3

With a front page headline screaming “Get Banksy!” the New York Post reports that police are on the lookout for the world famous graffiti artist.

“Law enforcement sources have told The Post Banksy will be charged with vandalism if he’s found scribbling his stencils on city walls,” The Post reports.

But the Daily News in New York reports that police are not actively looking for Banksy.

“It is graffiti, so if someone complained about it, members of the Vandals Unit would investigate,” a police source told the Daily New. “I haven’t heard of anyone complaining.”

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg calls Banksy a vandal, not an artist.

“Graffiti does ruin people’s property and is a sign of decay and a loss of control,” Bloomberg said yesterday (Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2013).

“Art is art, and nobody’s a bigger supporter of the arts than I am,” he continued. “I just think there are some places for art, and there are some places [for] no art. You running up to someone’s property or public property and defacing it is not my definition of art.”

Now if I was Banksy, I’d be quite happy to have the Mayor of New York talking about me. How cool is that. Banksy as Batman?