Tag Archives: 100 Works Of Art That Will Define Our Age

Books: ‘100 Works Of Art That Will Define Our Age’

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Expat Kelly Grovier, who contributes to the Times Literary Supplement, has attempted in this book to predict the future — not as risky as it might seem at first, since neither us nor Grovier are likely to be around by the time it’s possible to judge the success or failure of his endeavor.

“We lack the necessary perspective when it comes to judging what it is about our time that is most important or representative culture-wise, for which reason the work of drawing up grand lists – the creation of a canon of the moment – is best left to those who come after,” Rachel Cooke writes in a review published today (Sept. 21, 2013) in The Guardian. “The art world, moreover, moves so fast these days that such a volume will doubtless seem out of date even before it makes it to paperback (the earliest piece included is Marc Quinn’ Self, from 1991; the most recent is  Ai Weiwei’s Sunflower Seeds from 2010).”

For the rest of this review head to The Guardian.