Tag Archives: Rosanne Cash

Video: Rosanne Cash Sings Bob Dylan’s ‘Girl From the North Country’

Photo via Rosanne Cash’s Facebook page.

Beautiful version of “Girl From the North Country,” the song Rosanne Cash’s father sang with Bob Dylan on Nashville Skyline.

Cash was at Town Hall in New York city, a venue that Bob Dylan played back in 1963 — 50 years ago.

Plus listen to more Rosanne Cash live at the World Cafe.

– A Days of the Crazy-Wild blog post –

Listen: New Rosanne Cash Album, ‘The River & The Thread’

Rosanne Cash’s new album, The River & ZThe Sea, is now streaming at NPR’s “First Listen.”

From the NPR website:

Each song is rooted in the Southern soil connecting the old Cash homestead in Arkansas to the family’s ancestral Virginia homeland, expanding to survey the family’s artistic roots in Alabama and Tennessee. Some narratives are fictional, while others mine family lore. Each unfolds in a subtle arc made three-dimensional by Cash’s introspective lyrics and the genre-dissolving blend of country, soul and torch songs that she and her husband and producer, John Leventhal, cultivate.

Listen to the whole album here.

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